Welcoming PBI UIN Raden Intan Lampung to ELED UMY

February 9, 2019, oleh: superadmin

On February 8th 2019, English Education Department of Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung (UINRIL) visited English Language Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). Being welcome at Amphiteather E6 Building, batch 2016 PBI UINRIL students were greeted by PBI UMY teaching staffs and students. The agenda started from 9 am to 11 p.m. The event was kicked off with the welcoming speech from the head of department, Sri Rejeki Murtiningsih, P.hD., and PBI UINRIL’s Maisiroh, M.Pd.

PBI Unril’s Visit (doc. Berli)
After exchanging information about each other’s department, lecturers of both departments proceeded discussing academic related matters while students remained in the Amphiteather to exchange stories about their English Department Students Association’s activities. Wildan Kharisma, the Chief of EDSA UMY firstly explained about the programs that EDSA has and afterwards, Diah Ayu Reza Permatasari of ESA UINRIL shared the agenda that ESA had held or followed. The agenda was closed by photo session.