Products made by Entrepreneur students make it to the top 10 at the “Youthpreneur in Action” Event

June 16, 2023, oleh: superadmin

PBI UMY students have again achieved an amazing achievement. This time, students from the Entrepreneurship class coached by Puthut Ardianto made it through the top 10 in the “Youthpreneur in Action” competition. The competition held by Podomoro University in 2023 is an international business idea competition which was attended by 100 teams from 6 countries.

Galang, one of the team members, told us about the product they submitted for the competition, StorySight. This product is an edutainment platform based on digital literacy that combines text, visuals and audio into an educational and interactive entertainment. The platform also provides an interesting feature, where readers can read their own stories or listen to audio about the literacy. “Our product was inspired by two courses at PBI UMY, namely Basic Reading and Writing and Entrepreneurship” he continued. Mr. Puthut, as the supervisor of the competition team, added that with achievements like this, hopefully it can motivate other students to start a business to get even more achievements and have more initiative to try new things.

With this StorySight product, Galang and his team hope that their product can educate and entertain many parents and children in the midst of the rampant use of gadgets at an early age. Not only that, but he also hoped that with achievements like this, PBI UMY students can be even more active and more creative so that they can make PBI UMY and UMY proud. (saa)