PBI UMY Holds Guest Lecture on Students’ Achievement Improvement Program

October 10, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Student achievement is one of the signs of a good study program department. In the digital era, students need to be active participants in and outside classrooms. Additionally, to compete with students off-campus, they must also have the provision of skills proven by achievement during their college time. Hence, the support of the study program department when students want to be excellent figures is needed. PBI UMY, as a study program department in UMY, is trying to give their best to support students’ objective, which is to be excellent students. One of them is holding a guest lecture focusing on increasing students’ achievement by inviting expert speakers from the academic field.

This guest lecture is entitled “Embrace the Challenge and Let’s Win.” This workshop was held on Saturday, October 9, 2021, from 1 pm – 3 pm, and was preceded by a similar talk with all PBI UMY lecturers on similar subjects to encourage lecturers’ involvement in the students’ achievement. This guest lecture invited Prof. Rr. Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati., M.Sc., Ph.D. Prof. Lita – as she is familiarly addressed – is a professor of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry in Livestock Breeding from Hasanudin University. Besides, she has been a reviewer of Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) since 2016. This event was held online through a zoom platform attended by all PBI UMY students and lecturers.

This event was opened by the secretary of the PBI study program, Evi Puspitasari, M.Hum. By joining this agenda, the hope is that students can be encouraged to become outstanding students through Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM). “With an amazing guest star, I hope the knowledge conveyed can be absorbed well and can be implemented properly by you,” she said.

In her session, Prof. Lita divided into two sessions, namely self-recognition sessions, and sessions to become outstanding and creative students. In addition, she said that “As students, you should have four skills to be possessed, namely academic, ability, problem-solving, and communication.” With these four things, students are ready to join the community process.  Besides, she also introduced a quadrant of knowing ourselves, namely internal self-awareness, that can be used to know our capability. “By knowing who you are, you will be able to know how to put yourselves, and you know how you should be,” added Prof. Lita.

The simplest way to know ourselves is by asking questions to assess our value, having a conversation with our family or friends, daring to challenge ourselves, and learning and motivating ourselves. The questions may be our dream, passion, hobby, and confidence. “You need to find your capability that God has given, so you will be a powerful student and be a good person when you are graduated,” said Prof. Lita.

The agenda was closed by a question and answer from students to the guest lecture. Hopefully, this agenda can encourage students to think more creatively and become students who have more value. So, they will be ready to face the world both when they become a student or already an alumnus later on. (Mil)