Implementation of Bridging Course in Even Semester 2023/2024 at Dewangen Tourism Village

December 3, 2023, oleh: superadmin

Klaten, November 1, 2023 – PBI UMY again carried out routine bridging activities for students. The activity which was held for three days from November 29 to December 1, 2023, was attended by all students of the English Language Education Department.

Bridging course itself is an activity that is routinely carried out every semester and must be attended by all PBI UMY students. The student soft skills training event as well as a bonding activity between students and lecturers this time was held in one of the tourist villages located in Klaten, Polanharjo, namely Desa Wisata DeWangen. The purpose of this activity itself is to hone soft skills in a fun way and a means of refreshing for students and lecturers.

Mrs. Sri Sudarsi, as the lecturer in charge of the bridging course event, explained that this semester the material given to students was about Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) for class of 2023, Conflict Management for class of 2022, and Leadership for class of 2021. The bridging workshop material was delivered by three lecturers, namely Mr. Gendroyono, Mr. Puthut Ardhianto, and Mr. Endro Dwi Hatmanto.

Faiz, one of the 2022 students, commented that this was his third bridging course activity and he felt happy in doing the activity. Faiz said that in this bridging course activity he was not only doing refreshing but also learning things about teamwork, leadership, and so on. “I hope that the PBI UMY bridging course can be more fun, creative, and innovative in the future,” he continued.

Bonding and refreshment activities such as this bridging course are necessary activities for students. Not only does it hone their soft skills, but it also provides an opportunity for them to bond with friends and lecturers so that it can have a positive impact both inside and outside of the classroom. It is hoped that from this bridging course activity, students can be more enthusiastic in living their student life at PBI UMY. (saa)