Three PBI Teams Successfully Win 2021 PKM Funding

May 7, 2021, oleh: superadmin

PBI UMY made another achievement. This time PBI UMY succeeded in ensuring its three teams received funding from the Indonesian Higher Education Department in the Student Creativity Program (Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa – PKM) Competition 2021. Those three teams that passed were the teams led by Agnes Wahyu Tri Prasdyla from batch 2018, Anisa Wahyu Dwi

PBI UMY’s Teachers and Staff Got the Jab Batch II

May 3, 2021, oleh: superadmin

The second batch of vaccination has finally been conducted in UMY. After conducting the first batch on Monday (29/3) and Tuesday (30/3), UMY conducted the vaccination for its teachers and staff for the second time on Tuesday (27/04). Similar to  the first batch, teachers and staff were also required to go through several stages such

Sharing is Caring, PBI UMY Holds Public Hearing

April 15, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Valuing the importance of students’ voices for the department, PBI UMY held a public hearing on Wednesday (14/04). The activity that aims to evaluate departments’ teaching and learning process was held online through Microsoft Teams that led by the head of the department, Sri Rejeki Murtiningsih (Ms. Jackie), P.hD and the secretary of the department,

PBI UMY’s Lecturers and Staff Got the Jab

April 1, 2021, oleh: superadmin

In breaking the chain of corona virus in Indonesia especially in Yogyakarta, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) vaccinated its lecturers and staff. All PBI lecturers and staff also participated in the event that was  held on  Monday (29/3) and Tuesday (30/3).  On the day of the vaccination, teachers and staff  were required to go through several

PBI Awesome! Tiga Mahasiswi PBI UMY Berhasil Lolos Seleksi Program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan Pertama dari Kemendikbud RI

March 31, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Dalam rangka mendukung program Merdeka Belajar: Kampus Merdeka dan membantu sekolah terdampak pandemi COVID-19, Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia melaksanakan program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1 Tahun 2021 dengan melibatkan mahasiswa dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia untuk

PBI UMY Lecturer becomes a Presenter in a Webinar on Language Enhancement Program for Teachers and Staffs of Madrasah Muallimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

March 21, 2021, oleh: superadmin

Nowadays, foreign language skills become the primary needs in schools and institutions. Institutions and schools are competing to continuously improve language skills of their stakeholders from teachers to staffs by conducting various trainings and seminars. In line with this, PBI UMY always strives to be an agent of change by continuing to actively participate in

Rapat Kerja Tahunan (RKT) T.A. 2020/2021

September 3, 2020, oleh: superadmin

Senin (31/08/2020) telah dilaksanakan Rapat Kerja Tahunan T.A. 2020/2021 di Cafe 1912, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Rapat tersebut dihadiri oleh seluruh dosen dan tenaga kependidikan Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Rapat tahunan tersebut membahas evaluasi program tahun akademik lalu dan rencana program tahun akademik mendatang. Perencanaan dilaksanakan dengan membagi peserta rapat menjadi 3 komisi,

Hasil Pre-Test TOEFL-like Test

September 3, 2020, oleh: superadmin

Terkait dengan penyelenggaraan Pelatihan TOEFL untuk mahasiswa PBI yang diselenggarakan pada Maret 2020 lalu, hasil pre-test dapat ada di lampiran di bawah ini: Angkatan 2018 Angkatan 2019 Pelaksanaan post test dan kelanjutan pelatihan ditunda sampai waktu yang belum ditentukan. (/puput) Informasi pendaftaran Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UMY, silakan klik: