Bridging for Soft Skill Development of PBI UMY was Finally Held Offline

July 24, 2022, oleh: superadmin

PBI UMY has a unique way to make students feel refreshed and excited after undergoing a full semester, which is by conducting Bridging activities. This activity invites students to learn while having fun doing refreshments. Previously, this activity must be carried out online for 2 consecutive years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Not long after, the government finally allowed the public to interact directly. This made PBI UMY felt confident to carry out bridging activities offline on July 12, 13, and 14, 2022. The high enthusiasm of the students can be felt well when the activity is in progress. Reza, one of the 12th bridging participants commented that the bridging activities he participated in were very enjoyable because of the varied activities and comfortable place. He also added that, by participating in bridging activities, he gained a lot of experience about the material he had received during the program. Some of the materials include :(1) Teamwork for batch 2019, (2) Communication and Networking for batch 2020, and (3) Creativity for batch 2021.

The head of the PBI UMY, Andi Wirantaka, S.Pd,. M.Hum., as the organizing committee for bridging activities stated that the procurement of offline bridging is more useful than online procurement. He also hopes that by holding this bridging activity, students can build a better person and character. “Bringing in public figures to be guests in this bridging activity will be prioritized for bridging in the future,” Andi continued.

The activities during the program that can refresh the mind and can provide new knowledge are certainly very beneficial for students. Moreover, college students are known to have an excessive task load. This makes bridging activities a significant thing to provide relaxation and build better character. (saa)