Introducing English to Elementary School Students through Fun English Club

May 16, 2018, oleh: superadmin

Within Indonesia’s curriculum, English is no longer listed as a compulsory subject for elementary school students. As a result, many elementary school students can decide whether to have English as a subject or not. Unfortunately, due to many issues ranging from time management to finance, many schools decide not to include English as a part of their school curriculum. Therefore many elementary school graduates who are enrolled in junior high schools may not have sufficient knowledge to start their English lessons. Observing this issue, two lecturers of PBI UMY, Ika Wahyuni Lestari, M.Hum, and Puput Arfiandhani, M.A., sponsored by the university initiated a program called Fun English Club.

Fun English Club
Fun English Club was held from March 25th to May 14th 2018 in SD Muhammadiyah Tamantirto and SD Negeri Gedungkiwo. Fun English Club was held in classroom for about 70 minutes each meeting. The programmed aimed mainly at enhancing students’ motivation to learn English as well as introducing English to them. In addition, the program also aims at delivering basic skills of English to the students. The materials consist of (1) greetings and self introduction (2) colors, (3) clothes, and (4) crafting. Approximately 60 students in both schools benefitted from this weekly programmed.
Many students as well as teachers in both schools mentioned that they felt that the program was fun. Additionally, the students also felt more motivated to learn English more. They hoped that more similar programs for elementary school students could be held.