More than 200 students Joined English Proficiency Tests and Training

May 7, 2018, oleh: superadmin

To boost up students’ English competence, a three-day English Proficiency Test (EPT) training has been conducted for ELED students batch 2017. From April 24th to 26th, around 200 students joined the training, which consists of three sections. These three sections are listening comprehension, structure & written expression and reading comprehension sections. These trainings were carried out by ELED lecturers.
In addition to the training, to assess students’ competence, a pre and a post test were conducted before and after the training. The pre-test was taken by batch 2016 and 2017 students and the post test was taken only by batch 2017 students. Sri Rejeki Murtiningsih, Ph.D., the head of the department, mentioned, “We hope the test and training can help raising students’ awareness on the importance of taking English proficiency test. Additionally this series of training and test hopefully can map students’ English competence. At last, we hope that the training can help increasing students’ English proficiency test scores.”
The results of the two test generally indicated a raising score trend from the pre to the post test results. The results of the test can be read here or in the download page.