UMY's Lecturers Strengthen Literacy at Abdul Alim and Mustika Tama Orphanage

April 16, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Two lecturers of PBI UMY, Puput Arfiandhani, M.A and Ika Wahyuni Lestari, M.Hum initiated a community empowerment program that targetted marginalized communities at Abdul Alim Orphanage, Imogiri and Mustika Tama Orphanage, Madukismo. The opening ceremony was held on March,5th in Imogiri and March, 14th in Madukismo. According to Ika Wahyuni Lestari, the aim of this activities that targeted Elementary children was to strengthen literacy and character education for children through reading bilingual stories books (English and Bahasa) and instilling character education so that English is not a scary thing for children.
“In order to support this achievement, we also designed a bilingual language story book by raising the value of honesty, the title is Aisyah and Ahmad: Let’s be honest! We also donated books at these two orphanages,” said Ika.
Ika added that the activities was assisted by five students facilitators: Berliana Dyah Ayu, Kukuh Prasetyo, Merita Azizi, Reka Agustina and Fany Arynsa. During the program, the children looked happy and eager to take part in the activities that was filled with fun learning activities, such as playing games, singing together, and reading stories.
The coordinator of women dormitory of Abdul Alim Orphanage Imogiri, Yuri appreciated the activities because English-based literacy is very important and can help the children to be independent. “ Their passion and love for literacy and English really need to be fostered as early as possible” she said.