PBI Invited Partner-Schools for Internship Coordination and Evaluation Meeting

January 12, 2019, oleh: superadmin

One of PBI’s regular programs to help accelerating students’ pedagogical skills is teaching internship. First year students are required to do their internship program in elementary schools, second year in junior high schools and third year in senior high schools. To achieve this aim, the department partner with Muhammadiyah schools in Yogyakarta.

Internship Coordination and Evaluation Meeting 2018/2019
On Saturday, January 12 2019 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Amphiteather B, K.H. Ibrahim Building, the department invited partner-schools for coordination and evaluation meeting. Headmasters, teacher-coordinators and teacher-supervisors joined the meeting. They shared their thoughts and ideas to improve the next semester internship. Approximately more than 500 students of PBI will join the next semester internship.
Ika Wahyuni Lestari, M.Hum., the coordinator of the internship program mentioned the aim of the meeting, “We hope that this meeting can facilitate discussion between partner-schools and the department to improve the conduct of internship. We hope that both the schools and the students can get the best out of the teaching internship experience.”